Improve your golf game with Neurofeedback.
Neurofeedback and golf, the science and the sport, are a match made in heaven. Focus, precision, concentration, emotional balance and physical control are critical components in golf. The game is played as much in the mind as on the green; therefore, having a brain functioning at its optimum level is just as important as choosing the right club.
Would you like to improve your golf handicap?
Neurofeedback brain training improves brain function in a holistic, non-invasive way. For those involved in golf, a ‘focus sport’, a well-regulated brain makes the difference between a good and great game.
How Neurofeedback Works
In a neurofeedback session, a client wears a few sensors on the head and a set of headphones that plays a relaxing music track—the sensors give feedback information to the software, which interprets the electrical activity in the brain in real time. When something is inefficient or harmful, the software interrupts the music the client listens to and restarts.
These interruptions are vast and can sound like a glitch in the music. So to be clear, the brain is not forced to do anything and is not pushed in any way; it is simply feedback and audio response. Each time the music interrupts, the brain learns to move away from a harmful habit and towards a positive practice. This is the ‘training’ aspect of Neurofeedback.
Optimal Brain Functionality for Golf with Neurofeedback Brain Training
There isn’t anything specific you need to do to focus on and improve your golf game in a Neurofeedback session; the Advanced Brain Training Technology does that for you. While Neurofeedback is a form of Training, it is Training of the Central Nervous System (CNS), regardless of the ask. It returns your central nervous system activity to the present; it’s not about fixing something wrong but about harnessing your brain’s natural ability. It’s not about trying to get you to be different; it’s about getting information through electroencephalography (EEG) to ascertain what it is doing and to teach self-regulation of brain function.
Your posture, rhythm, tempo and swing depend on regulated brain functionality in your golf game. Think of your brain as the king of your Central Nervous System (CNS). Tour posture, rhythm, tempo, and swing if your CNS is off. It will also be too
This Training results in an enhanced ability to focus, a healthy mental response to stress, anxiety, and pressure and an overall sense of control and calm. Neurofeedback doesn’t just help at game time; it helps in the lead-up to games and afterwards by improving the ability to unwind, relax, sleep and let go of constant thoughts that can be continual during times of increased stress and over-stimulation.
What Makes Neurofeedback Possible?
Improve your golf handicap with Neurofeedback Brain Training.
For a long time, it was believed that ‘we are who we are’ and a leopard doesn’t change its spots and so on, but research has proven that we were born to change; we are designed to adapt and that we can improve our brains and our lives if we want to. Our brains can vary because of something called neuroplasticity. Even one session of Neurofeedback creates positive and lasting changes in the brain, and ongoing sessions make profound changes not only in the area of focus and concentration but also in the reduction of anxiety, the alleviation of depression, the regulation of ADHD, and so much more. Every brain can be improved.
Using Brain Training to Up Your Golf Game
DDrValdeane Brown, co-developer of the NeurOptimal® brain training system, discusses using Neurofeedback to up his golf game.
Who Else Has Used Neurofeedback To Improve Sports Performance?
The Italian football team famously used Neurofeedback during their winning 2004 World Cup campaign. It has also assisted beach volleyball gold medalists Kerri Walsh-Jennings, and Misty May-Treanor improve their game. The NFL is widely using it, as is Australian Soccer. Our clients are reporting significant improvements in their golf game for something closer to home. The results were noticeable after only one session, and the upgrades continued each week.
With Neurofeedback Brain Training, the possibilities for enhancing your game are endless.
How do I get started?
Your first step is to contact us and book your first Neurofeedback session.
On average, clients complete approximately 10 -15 sessions for optimal and sustainable results.
The team at Brain Training Australia™ recognise the unique qualities of all our clients and will work closely with you to personalise your Brain Training Program so that you can achieve your goals of optimal mental processes.
We look forward to helping you live a much richer, happier, healthier and higher quality of life.