What is Post Natal Depression?
Post Natal Depression (also known as Post Natal Psychosis) can be a dangerous condition that can occur between one month and up to one year after the birth of a baby. It is characterised what used to be called the ‘baby blues’, and can develop due to the major life changes brought on by having and caring for a baby.
It affects women of all ages, and because it can develop into a life threatening situation for both the mother and the baby, symptoms need to be carefully monitored and medical treatment sought as soon as possible. It should also be noted that post-natal depression can also affect fathers.
What are the symptoms of Post Natal Depression?
Generally speaking, the adjustment to having a baby – whether for the first time or not – can be a major life event, requiring many lifestyle changes and emotional upheaval. All parents undergo unusual stresses and strains during this time, however most will be able to cope and feel back to normal after a length of time and with close family and friend support.
In some cases, however, the stress and anxiety can build up and made the symptoms worse. Common symptoms can include:
- Feelings of inadequacy when it comes to caring for or loving the baby
- Anxiety brought on by a difficult labour or the physical after effects of birth
- Feeling teary and sad for the majority of the time
- Fear and anxiousness brought on by activities such as breastfeeding
- Having difficulties sleeping, sleeping for too long or too little
- Having panic attacks
- Worrying excessively about the health of the baby or themselves
- Feeling depressed about the future
- Feeling isolated and not wanting to attend social occasions or leave the house
It’s important to remember that these symptoms can quickly degenerate into a life threatening condition, so any signs or symptoms should be checked out by a health care professional as soon as possible. It’s likely that women with post-natal depression will need hospitalisation for psychiatric assessment, care and treatment. Ongoing treatment may be required once the initial symptoms have been treated.
How common is Post Natal Depression?
Post Natal Depression is considered to be fairly common, and ca affect around one in seven women who have had a baby in Australia.
What are the causes of Post Natal Depression?
As everyone is different, pinpointing the causes of post-natal depression can be difficult. There are some contributing factors that are known however, including:
- Physical changes such as increases and decreases in hormones, the after effects of birth, a lack of sleep
- Emotional changes such as coping with caring for a baby, feelings of a loss of independence for the mother, changes to the parent’s relationship and the family dynamic in general
- Social changes such as feelings of inadequacy and shame about parenting, losing friendships or other close relationships because of the demands of parenthood. There may also be tensions because of money issues, especially if a single parent
Help for Post Natal Depression
At Brain Training Australia™ we use Neurofeedback Brain Training to help our clients suffering from Post Natal Depression.
Work with the natural therapy professionals
Post-natal depression can be a debilitating condition, and for many it can be difficult to talk about with others. The professionals at Brain Training Australia™ have years of experience dealing with clients with these types of issues, and we can provide you or someone you know with a tailored Brain Training Program that works.
Let us help you. Here is how to get started.
Your first step is to get in contact with us.
All new clients receive a free, complementary and no obligation 15-minute face-to-face Complementary Assessment with a dedicated member of our team. If you’re on the fence, wondering if Neurofeedback Brain Training is right for you, then this is a really good place to start.
If you are ready to get started then you can just book in your First Appointment and get started straight away.
The team at Brain Training Australia™ recognise the unique qualities of all our clients and will work closely with you to personalise your Brain Training Program so that you can achieve your goals of optimal mental processes.
We look forward to helping you live a much richer, happier and healthier life.