Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to reorganise itself and to create new neural networks, in other words, create different ways of thinking. The average human brain has 100 million neurons and each neuron has as many as 7000 synaptic connections to other neurons. While the method employed at Brain Training Australia is Neurofeedback, the process by which the changes occur is through Neuroplasticity.
What is happening when we put the EEG Sensors on the scalp, is that the system is measuring the summation of cortical, or electrical activity in the brain. The auditory interruptions or feedback provided is picking up on an existing stress response, inefficiency or instability in the brain. These changes are made through the processes of neuroplasticity. We don’t want to tell the brain what to do or to stimulate it in any way, and there is no preconceived notion of how your brain should be performing. Instead we want the brain to form its own pathways and it does so naturally, gently and safely through neuroplasticity.