What is fatigue?
Generally fatigue is a feeling of tiredness over a period of time, and it can affect your physical and mental well-being. Those with fatigue will say that it is more than simply feeling a little sleepy from time to time; it is more like a constant state which can be emotionally and physically draining. Anyone can develop symptoms of fatigue, and it is estimated that the majority of adults will experience the disorder at least a few times in their life.
The causes of fatigue can vary, but generally it may be caused by a number of varying factors such as sleeping and eating habits, lifestyle and mental health. Fatigue can come and go and the good news is that it is rarely caused by an serious underlying physical health problem. You should seek help if you start to develop any of the symptoms of fatigue.
What are the signs and symptoms of fatigue?
Symptoms of fatigue can vary from person to person and may not even be the same when experienced over a long period of time. We’ve all experienced being more tired than normal on occasions, but if you experience several of the following emotional and physical signs and symptoms it is likely that you are suffering from fatigue:
- Sleepiness during the day, even if you have slept well the night before
- Unexplained aches and pains or muscle weakness
- Issues with memory or poor concentration
- Displaying signs of poor judgement or indecision
- Poor eye-hand coordination and vision issues
- Headaches or migraines
- Loss of appetite or nausea
- Issues with your immune system or not getting over health issues quickly
- Poor motivation
Because of the general nature of many of these issues, a definitive diagnosis of fatigue can be difficult. In general, a medical professional will need to run a number of different type of tests as well as give you a physical exam to rule out other health issues before diagnosing fatigue. The examination can include blood and urine tests, a complete physical test, a discussion of your previous medical history, as well as your current lifestyle, eating, sleeping and exercise habits.
How common is fatigue?
It has been estimated that around 1.5 million Australians may experience fatigue at some point in their lives.
What are the causes of fatigue?
If fatigue is diagnosed, it can usually be found to have been caused by one or more medical, lifestyle, emotional and workplace factors. The causes can vary and be complex, meaning that one issue may lead to other emotional or physical signs of fatigue.
- Medical causes of fatigue: a constant feeling of tiredness can be caused by a range of underlying medical issues including diabetes, heart conditions or a thyroid problem.
- Lifestyle causes of fatigue: it is known that a lack of regular exercise can cause fatigue, as well as the use of alcohol or drugs. A lack of sleep, too much sleep or disturbances during sleep can also cause fatigue. Diet plays a huge role in health and well-being, and a poor diet over a length of time can bring on symptoms of fatigue and exhaustion.
- Emotional causes of fatigue: fatigue can be present in a range of emotional health issues such as depression, anxiety and grief. It can be a symptom of other problems such as acute stress or post traumatic stress disorder.
- Workplace causes of fatigue: because it is a place most of us spend a considerable amount of time at, the workplace can be a major cause of fatigue. Workplace stress or bullying, a feeling of burn out and overworking, unsafe working environments and shift work can all bring on the signs and symptoms of fatigue. Ironically unemployment can also cause fatigue, as well as a range of other stress-related issues.
How we help fatigue
At Brain Training Australia™ we use a blended modality of Neurofeedback and Cognitive Therapy to help our clients struggling with fatigue.
Improve your health today. Here is how to get started.
The first step is to get in contact with us and book in for your First Appointment with us.
This will allow you to experience a session, and see if its the right modality for you. We will also be able to advise you, given your presentation, whether Neurofeedback, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) or a combination of both would give you the best result.
The team at Brain Training Australia™ recognise the unique qualities of all our clients and will work closely with you to personalise your Brain Training Program so that you can achieve your goals of optimal mental processes.
We look forward to helping you live a much richer, happier and healthier life.